Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge Of The Seven Review

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SaGa stands as one of Square Enix's longest-running series, but it's also had a rough time outside of Japan. If you pick up a random SaGa game, you'll probably understand why: SaGa games are JRPGs that don't do things in the way most overseas players would expect. SaGa tends to focus more on complex, interweaving systems of combat, character growth, and questing. And that's supplemented by narratives that tend to act more as connective tissue that link locations and objectives together instead of the sprawling, character-driven stories the genre has become known for. Wandering around blindly and piecing out what to do and how things work in a SaGa game can be incredibly compelling, but some entries in the franchise lean toward immensely frustrating. Romancing SaGa 2 is more the former than the latter, but its earlier releases were still an acquired taste.

Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is a full-on remake of a game many fans consider the series' apex--if not among the greatest RPGs of all time. If there's any game in the series that could reach out and capture a new audience in a way no other SaGa game has before, this is the one that could do it.

Romancing SaGa 2's story begins ages prior to the modern day, when seven heroes fought to rid the land of evil forces. Their deeds have become the subject of myth and legend, and as times have grown ever more troubled, the people have yearned for their return. In the recent past, Emperor Leon and his two sons hear rumblings of the heroes' revival, but soon learn the horrible truth--the heroes have themselves become agents of evil, and they slay both Leon and his son Victor in a vicious attack. Despite this loss, there is still hope: Inheritance Magic, which allows an Emperor to pass memories, abilities, and strength down to an appointed successor, beginning with young prince Gerard.

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Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Review

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The best part of any Call of Duty game's Zombies mode is how it facilitates panic. The longer you play the round-based horde mode, in which the undead stream toward you from all directions, the tougher it becomes, and before long, you're sprinting around the map, trying desperately to stay alive as crowds of corpses shamble after you. Your only chance is to stop and fire away to thin out the approaching wave of undeath, hoping you don't run into any huge mutated monstrosity while your back is turned. Black Ops 6 is great at these moments.

Zombies in Black Ops 6 is a return to the best-known and best-enjoyed form of the four-player cooperative mode, which developer Treyarch originated back in Call of Duty: World at War and has been iterating on ever since. Gone is the approach from last year's Modern Warfare 3, a messy take that bolted Zombies mechanics onto elements of CoD's battle royale game, Warzone. What Black Ops 6 offers feels like classic Zombies but enhanced, with a bunch of small elements old and new added together to build out the experience in fun, engaging, and challenging ways.

The most notable change, and the one that works best with Zombies, is Omni-movement, Black Ops 6's adjustment to how you get around in the game. Omni-movement lets you move at the same speed in any direction, including sprinting, diving, and sliding, so you're able to change direction on a dime without losing momentum. It's a great addition to Zombies, where you will inevitably find yourself kiting a horde around the map as you fight to stay alive, only to suddenly realize that the path you're backpedaling down isn't as clear as you thought.

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Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Review

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There's an argument to be made that speed is what makes Call of Duty multiplayer feel so good. As a franchise, the CoD games are great about getting you into the action as quickly as possible. When you shoot opponents, they tend to go down fast; when you die, you can be back in the fight in about a second. With Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Treyarch leans into the speed of the franchise in just about every respect, starting with some meaningful adjustments to movement systems and ending with map designs that make sure you're never far from your next hail of bullets. Most of the time, those fast and intense battles are a lot of fun--but the design changes also result in Black Ops 6 feeling limited in the kinds of fights you're likely to face.

The major adjustment Black Ops 6 brings to the series is the Omni-movement system, and at least in terms of how the game feels to play, it's an excellent one. Omni-movement does away with the pesky natural limitations of a pair of human legs. You can run, sprint, slide, and dive in any direction, regardless of where you're facing or where your momentum would take you. It's kind of akin to the freedom a tank turret has from the vehicle beneath it, able to turn in any direction to address threats, but much faster and much cooler.

Omni-movement creates a really high degree of fluidity. The ability to move at full speed in any direction at any time makes it easy to quickly navigate maps and turn to address threats. The game never holds you back when it comes to movement, and paired with how fast you might gun down an enemy if you react quickly enough, or the speed with which they can shut you down, Omni-movement is an excellent improvement to your overall reactivity. This is a game that's about twitch reactions and sharp aim, and Omni-movement amplifies that twitchiness by giving you more freedom of motion in all cases.

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Redacted Review - Prison Break

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You wouldn't know just from looking at it--with its vivid, comic book-esque art style and irreverent punk-rock tone--but Redacted (officially styled as [REDACTED]) actually takes place in the same sci-fi universe as 2022's The Callisto Protocol. While that was a third-person survival-horror game trying to capture the same magic that Dead Space bottled up over a decade and a half ago, Striking Distance Studios has taken a wildly different approach with this spin-off, repurposing various elements from its debut game to create an isometric roguelike dungeon crawler.

It's a drastic shift for the young series, ditching the grisly melodrama and Rock 'Em Sock 'Em combat of The Callisto Protocol by pivoting to referential humor and twin-stick shooting. It still feels immediately familiar thanks to how loudly it wears its Hades inspiration on its sleeve--even the title is seemingly a nod to Supergiant Games' seminal roguelike. This isn't inherently negative, and Redacted has some impactful ideas of its own. Yet, looking past the game's derivative design can often be difficult when it struggles to reach the same heights as its primary influence.

Much like The Callisto Protocol, Redacted takes place within the icey, industrial walls of Black Iron Prison. With mutated biophages running amok--turning prisoners and staff into hostile, zombie-like creatures--you're cast as a modest prison guard attempting to reach the penitentiary's final escape pod and get the hell out of dodge. Unfortunately for you, other survivors--made up of coworkers and inmates called Rivals--are trying to do the same thing, forcing you into conflict with biophages and humans alike.

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Batman: Arkham Shadow Review - I Am Batman

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It's hard to believe it's been nearly a decade since the last mainline Batman Arkham game. Since then, we've seen several Arkham-adjacent projects come out, only to feel hamstrung or otherwise lacking. 2016's Batman Arkham VR was a neat tech demo, but it encompassed only the series' investigative elements. Both traditional Arkham studios, Rocksteady and WB Montreal, launched Batman-esque co-op games in recent years, but each struggled for several, sometimes similar reasons. Batman: Arkham Shadow stops the tailspin by authentically recapturing the essence of the Arkham series in ways other recent Batmanverse games disappointingly and intentionally avoided, making this the best Batman game since Arkham Knight, even if it doesn't soar to the same heights as the series' finest moments.

Batman: Arkham Shadow is a VR-only, direct sequel to Arkham Origins, taking place roughly a year later. That means this version of Batman--once again played by Roger Craig Smith doing a solid Kevin Conroy impression--is still relatively untested and ornery. He's learning how to become the unflappable Batman we typically know him to be, so his temper can still get the best of him, and his uncanny ability to stay 10 steps ahead of his enemies isn't guaranteed. Played in first-person, you'll explore some enclosed sections of Gotham before ultimately landing in Blackgate Prison for the bulk of the game, giving this game a structure very much like the metroidvania-style design of 2009's Arkham Asylum.

The Dark Knight's mission is to identify and stop The Rat King--a new enemy in the Batman mythology--who's thought to be hiding out in the prison just days before his catastrophic strike on Gotham unfolds. This sees Shadow's story unfold over the course of an in-game week rather than the usual overnight structure of Arkham plots, and sometimes, it shows.

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