Your first task in Thank Goodness You're Here! is to answer the question, "A'tha from Tarn?" Depending on your response, the game's menus and subtitles will either display in English or the local dialect, changing words like "Options" to "Faff" and "Continue game" to "Keep gu'in." If this rather odd choice hasn't already given it away, Thank Goodness You're Here! is possibly the most quintessentially British game ever made--specifically, northern England and the town of Barnsworth, a fictional town right near the very real town of Barnsley. Developed by Coal Supper--a two-person team who grew up in the post-industrial town--this absurdist comedy "slapformer" is a genuinely hilarious romp. It won't appeal to everyone and can be finished over a few cups of tea, but there aren't many games that have managed to plaster such a huge smile on my face.
The game's mouthful of a title is uttered by a few of the game's characters, including a young fan of Barnsworth's local football club. "Thank Goodness You're Here!" he exclaims as you leap through an open window and into a kitchen adorned with red and white scarves and framed pictures of the team's players. Sitting at the dining table with a cup of dark tea, he pleads with you to procure him some milk. He'd go himself, but he's terribly "milk shy." So off you pop to the local farm, where Bessie the cow requires a bag of chips--wrapped in newspaper, of course--to perk her up before she can produce any milky goodness. The local chip shop, Marge's Chippo, is the place to go, but after recently fixing the deep fat fryer, the queue is far too long and you don't have time to wait. This leads to another trek across town, with more whimsical hijinks abound before you eventually get your hands on that precious, precious milk.

This is the general gist of Thank Goodness You're Here! If it sounds like you're simply running around performing a series of fetch quests, it's actually much more involved than that. You play as a tiny traveling salesman who's arrived in town for a meeting with the mayor. Instead of sitting in the waiting room until they're ready to see you, you decide to venture out into town where the locals are all too eager to give you a series of increasingly odd jobs. As you explore the streets of Barnsworth and help out its wacky denizens, your antics leave an indelible mark on the place, opening up new areas to probe as you're given more and more zany tasks to complete.
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