World Of Warcraft: The War Within Review - Stay Awhile And Listen
World of Warcraft: The War Within makes a hell of a first impression. Within the expansion's first 10 minutes, one of the Warcraft universe's greatest heroes, the archmage Khadgar, is seemingly vaporized. Moments later, one of WoW's most iconic cities, Dalaran, is obliterated. You wake up amidst the wreckage, search for survivors, fend off attacks from the spider-like Nerubians, and then set out on a journey deeper and deeper into Azeroth's depths to find the one responsible for the carnage--WoW's new big bad, Xal'atath.
It's a bold opening for the 10th expansion in WoW's two-decade history--one that almost reads as a signal to past and present WoW players that Blizzard is looking to up the narrative stakes as it moves forward. The War Within kicks off what is billed as the first part of a three-expansion storyline called the Worldsoul Saga, which will look to bring together many of the game's core plotlines from over the years, as the MMO nears its 20th anniversary.
It's only fitting then that The War Within builds brilliantly on what came before, not only from a story perspective but also in continuing many of the trends and design philosophies that helped make the game's previous expansion, Dragonflight, the course-correction WoW desperately needed. The War Within realizes many of those ideas to something close to their full potential, giving the expansion a "been there, done that" feel at first that quickly subsides once it becomes clear just how dramatically those ideas, whether it's account-wide progression or the ability to do endgame content entirely solo, change the way Blizzard's MMORPG is played. While not every new feature is a home run, namely Hero Talents, The War Within is otherwise laser-focused in its execution of letting players play WoW the way they want to, and in that it overwhelmingly succeeds.
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