Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Review - The '90s Sure Were Weird
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Review - The '90s Sure Were Weird

When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers emerged as many Americans' first exposure to the popular Super Sentai series, it was hard not to feel like it was riding the wave of Turtle-mania that defined the early 1990s. After all, it was a band of color-coordinated heroes who traded gentle quips and used martial arts to dispatch endless faceless baddies. I watched MMPR at the time, but I was also just cresting the age at which I felt a little embarrassed by its undeniable camp. Three decades later, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind once again feels a bit like it's riding the turtles' coattails. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge was an excellent retro brawler throwback, and by comparison, Rita's Rewind is a pretty good retro brawler throwback, but one with some of its own special charms--as well as its own frustrations.

Rita's Rewind fully recognizes the passage of time, even pinning down specific years. The original Rangers are still fighting evil in 2023, now against a mechanized Robo Rita--a timely reference to the villain of the reunion movie, 2023's Power Rangers: Once and Always. But apparently overwhelmed by these Rangers who have decades of experience, Robo Rita hatches a plan to go back in time and team up with her flesh-and-blood self. The modern-day Rangers say it's too dangerous to follow her through time and risk a paradox, so they just have to hope their younger selves are able to withstand the machinations of two Ritas.

That places Rita's Rewind strictly on the 1993 timeline, which means it's the first time the Rangers are encountering mainstays like Goldar and the Green Ranger. The only real difference is that this time we see Rita Repulsa bickering with Robo Rita over strategy.

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